Monday, May 29, 2006

Bello il nostro mondo....

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers are investigating a proposed tax on emails and mobile phone text messages as a way to fund the 25-member bloc in the future.

A European Parliament working group is reviewing the idea, tabled by Alain Lamassoure, a prominent French MEP and member of the centre-right European People's Party, the assembly's largest group.

Lamassoure, a member of Jacques Chirac's UMP party, is proposing to add a tax of around 1.5 cents on text or SMS messages and a 0.00001 cent levy on every email sent.

"This is peanuts, but given the billions of transactions every day, this could still raise an immense income," he said.

Currently the EU budget is funded through a combination of import duties, value added tax revenues and direct contributions from member states -- the so-called "Gross National Income resource", which is calculated according to wealth.

However, following a year-long battle over the current seven-year budget, agreed last December, it was decided that the way in which the EU is funded should be changed, with new proposals expected by 2008/2009.

A single "EU tax" has found support among many of the 25 EU governments, MEP's and the European Commission, the EU's executive arm. Other ideas include a tax on airline tickets and an extra levy on oil companies.

In Italy, the concept of a tax on texting was floated in the past, as a way to help offset the country's huge deficit, although it was flatly rejected by the outgoing government.

But Lamassoure argues that with billions of emails and texts sent around the world, it's a novel and simple way to raise funds from new technology.

"Exchanges between countries have ballooned, so everyone would understand that the money to finance the EU should come from the benefits engendered by the EU," he said.

Altro da dire ? Sta cosa mi ha veramente schifato !!
1,5 cents di tassa per ogni SMS ? Perchè non paghiamo già abbastanza per questo tipo di servizio ? Non bastano già i 5 euro che ci fregano le compagnie telefoniche per ogni ricarica ? No !! Aggiungiamoci pure questo !!
E cos'è quella cifra ridicola per l'invio di ogni mail ? Come si legge ? Ma rendiamoci conto di dove siamo arrivati !! Ora ci tassano pure le mail che mandiamo !! Già paghiamo per stare collegati a internet, ci manca pure ci facciano pagare per i vari servizi da utilizzare !!
E già che ci siamo mettiamo una tassa analoga da pagare per ogni pagina web visitata, e perchè ogni carattere inviato con un client istant messaging, eper ogni byte scaricato dalla rete !!
Stiamo rasentando il ridicolo, credevo fosse solo l'Italia ad essere messa così male, ma evidentemente mi sbagliavo !!
Una cosa mi viene spontaneo domandarmi : palrano sempre di tassare noi, ma parlare una volta di ridurre anche solo di qualche decina di euri i loro esageratamente gonfi stipendi ? Non ci farebbero una figura migliore sti porci ?
Sono sempre più schifato...avanti così e vado a fare il pescatore a Tonga !! :S




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